
how to include the time_bnds 1981-01-01 00:00 -1981-01-01 23:00 in a nc file using cdo?

I have a NC file with 13879 daily time steps starting from 1981-01-01. I want to include "time_bnds" in a 1981-01-01 00:00-1981-01-01 23:00 format. How do I do that with cdo? I am attaching two NC files, one of which needs this "time_bnds" and the other contains the required time_bnds. The one in which time_bnds is required to be included is named


The other one, which is in correct format (already have the time_bnds),


Please advise on how to add the time_bnds to the file, as mentioned above.

The link for the data is here


  • I like to thank Robert Wilson and Karin Meier-Fleischer of the CDO support forum for their help. As pointed out by Robert Wilson, it cannot be done using CDO but can be achieved by NCO. I got the solution to my question from Karin Meier-Fleischer in the CDO support forum, which is as follows:

    ncap2 -O -s 'defdim("bnds",2);time_bnds=make_bounds(TIME,$bnds,"time_bnds");' \

    The link to the CDO forum is here