
Custom-columns of Endpoints in Kubernetes

I try to extract the custom column value from endpoints to get a name and IP address like this:

kubectl get endpoints -o custom-columns=NAME:.metadata.name,ENDPOINTS:subsets[0].addresses[0][0].ip

but I got no result, trying different combinations of this command.

The Endpoints format:

Name: "mysvc",
 Subsets: [
     Addresses: [{"ip": ""}, {"ip": ""}],
     Ports: [{"name": "a", "port": 8675}, {"name": "b", "port": 309}]
     Addresses: [{"ip": ""}],
     Ports: [{"name": "a", "port": 93}, {"name": "b", "port": 76}]


  • IIUC, you want the metadata.name and all (!?) ip's?

    subset contains an array addresses so:

    You can't addresses[0][0]

    But you could addresses[0].ip

    Or, if you want all of the IPs, you could addresses[*].ip

    kubectl get endpoints \
    --output=custom-columns=NAME:.metadata.name,ENDPOINTS:subsets[0].addresses[].ip \


    kubectl get endpoints \
    --output=custom-columns=NAME:.metadata.name,ENDPOINTS:subsets[0].addresses[*].ip \