Hey I am building a flutter app and I am using the android studio flutter intl plugin, I want the generated files to be in src/shared/core/ but every time I generate them the go in the lib/ directory.
- lib/
- src/
- features/
- auth/
- data/
- domain/
- presentation/
- shared/
- config/
- core/
- widgets/
Here is my l10n.yaml file, I tried following the documentation but it's not working and It is generating the files in lib.
synthetic-package : false
arb-dir: lib/src/shared/core/l10n
output-dir: lib/src/shared/core/
template-arb-file: intl_en.arb
output-localization-file: app_localizations.dart
I fixed it, the fix didn't make that much sense but it worked. First I run
flutter clean
then I moved the generated and l10n directories from lib (default) to core, I then changed the output-dir in l10.yaml and added generated to the end
output-dir: lib/src/shared/core/generated
Then I made sure I have these in my pubspec.yaml
generate: true
sdk: flutter
Then I commented everything with App localization and S and run the app, I then uncommented all the lines and reimported AppLocalization and S.