For a few days I'm desperately trying to configure Bluetooth legacy pairing on my Raspberry Pi. Unfortunately I hadn't had any success until today. I tried countless tutorials/posts on several forums but no one worked.
Can anyone give me an up to date method that worked in your case? I noticed that almost all posts about this topic are at least 2 years old, which doesn't make it easier to get to a solution.
Thanks in advance.
Assuming you want to do this from the command line, all you need to do is launch bluetoothctl with no input/no output capabilities. See below the recommended sequence of commands:-
sudo btmgmt power off
sudo btmgmt discov on
sudo btmgmt connectable on
sudo btmgmt pairable on
sudo btmgmt power on
sudo btmgmt io-cap 3
The last command sets your IO capabilities to NoInputNoOutput, and the numberical values correspond to the following:-
0 DisplayOnly
1 DisplayYesNo
2 KeyboardOnly
3 NoInputNoOutput
4 KeyboardDisplay
Finally, launch bluetoothctl as follows:-
bluetoothctl --agent NoInputNoOutput
Some references:-