
mongoose-aggregate-pagination-v2: aggregatePagination isn't working properly

I have 2 collections: User and Topic. This is what each model look like.

- User -
  _id: ObjectId
  topics: [ObjectId(topic1Id), ObjectId(topic2Id)]
- Topic -
   _id: ObjectId,
   author: ObjectId(authorId)

I'm trying to get all topics that belong to one user and paginate those topics. Below is the query I'm using:

const aggregate = await Topic.aggregate([{ $match: { author: user._id } }]);
const result = await Topic.aggregatePaginate(aggregate, {page: 1, limit: 2} };

The result I got back includes all Topic documents, instead of the ones that match the query in $match. I did some console.log and aggregate returns the correct docs but for some reason, when it goes through aggregatePaginate, all docs are returned to me. I did make sure that the user._id is an ObjectId so that's not a problem.

Please let me know if you need anymore details and please help, I've been spending hours on this and I can't figure it out :'(


  • To use mongoose-aggregate-paginate-v2 ensure you have imported the module:

    const aggregatePaginate = require("mongoose-aggregate-paginate-v2");


    import aggregatePaginate from "mongoose-aggregate-paginate-v2";

    Then register it as a plugin:


    Now all you need to do is construct your aggregate without executing it like so, this means no await keyword or then blocks:

    const aggregate = Topic.aggregate([{ $match: { author: user._id } }]);

    The aggregate then gets passed to your query:

    const result = await Topic.aggregatePaginate(aggregate, {page: 1, limit: 2} };