I have a list of checkboxes and i would like to disable the unchecked ones via hyperscript, when a set amount is reached and enable them again when under the threshold. How would I write a hyperscript for this?
So far i have this div, but that hyperscript does not work correctly:
<div class="mb-4 overflow-scroll" _="on every change in <div.form-check/>
set allCheckboxes to <div.form-check/>
log allCheckboxes">
<p class="mb-0"><?= $stelle['angebot_headline'] ?? 'N/A' ?></p>
<div class="form-text mt-0 mb-3">(Max. 8 auswählbar)</div>
<?php foreach ($stelle['angebote'] ?? [] as $angebot): ?>
<?= view('personalKampagne/stellenangebot/_angebot', ['angebot' => $angebot]) ?>
<?php endforeach ?>
_angebot-php-file contains:
<div class="form-check" id="wrapper_angebot_<?= $angebot['id'] ?? '' ?>">
<input class="form-check-input form-check-lg"
name="angebot[<?= $angebot['id'] ?? '' ?>][checked]"
id="angebot[<?= $angebot['id'] ?? '' ?>]">
<label class="form-check-label" for="angebot[<?= $angebot['id'] ?? '' ?>]">
<?= $angebot['angebot'] ?>
<input type="hidden" name="angebot[<?= $angebot['id'] ?>][text]"
value="<?= $angebot['angebot'] ?>">
I would like to count all checkboxes and if the amount of checked boxes surpasses, let's say 5, i want to disable the unchecked boxes.
Hopefully this works for you:
on click
if length of <input:checked/> > 5
add @disabled to <input:not(:checked)/>
remove @disabled from <input/>