I want to use the callback onclick for both buttons without creating a clone of it like this:
let onclick2 = onclick.clone()
I tried using onclick.clone().emit()
but the 'use of moved value' error still persists with this.
pub fn Navbar() -> Html {
let navigator = use_navigator().unwrap();
let onclick = Callback::from(move |route: &Route| navigator.push(route));
html! {
<nav class="bg-indigo-700 flex justify-between items-center mx-auto max-w p-3">
<h1 class="text-gray-50 font-bold text-2xl">{"Arithmetic Booster"}</h1>
<div class="flex space-x-2">
<button class="text-gray-50 bg-indigo-600 p-2 rounded-md" onclick={ move |_| {onclick.emit(&Route::Home)}}>{"Play"}</button>
<button class="text-gray-50 bg-indigo-600 p-2 rounded-md" onclick={ move |_| {onclick.emit(&Route::Scores)}}>{"Scores"}</button>
<button class="text-gray-50 bg-red-600 p-2 rounded-md">{"Quit"}</button>
Is there anyway I can reuse the callback without creating a clone and assigning it to the second button?
You can introduce a new scope in the closure's declaration, this is a common idiom:
pub fn Navbar() -> Html {
let navigator = use_navigator().unwrap();
let onclick = Callback::from(move |route: &Route| navigator.push(route));
html! {
<nav class="bg-indigo-700 flex justify-between items-center mx-auto max-w p-3">
<h1 class="text-gray-50 font-bold text-2xl">{"Arithmetic Booster"}</h1>
<div class="flex space-x-2">
<button class="text-gray-50 bg-indigo-600 p-2 rounded-md"
let onclick = onclick.clone();
move |_| onclick.emit(&Route::Home)
<button class="text-gray-50 bg-indigo-600 p-2 rounded-md"
onclick={ move |_| onclick.emit(&Route::Scores) }>{"Scores"}</button>
<button class="text-gray-50 bg-red-600 p-2 rounded-md">{"Quit"}</button>