I've 3 schema for a blog post.
Schema look like this
// will be used for form validation
// text can be added but image required
const imagePostSchema = z.object({
body: z.string().max(500).optional().or(z.literal('')),
attachmentType: z.literal('img'),
attachment: // z... image validation is here
// text can be added but video required
const videoPostSchema = z.object({
body: z.string().max(500).optional().or(z.literal('')),
attachmentType: z.literal('video'),
attachment: // z... video validation is here
// text is required & other fields must be null
const textPostSchema = z.object({
body: z.string().max(500),
attachmentType: z.null(),
attachment: z.null()
Now how to merge this schema's to make one schema so user can make any type of (this 3) post?
Merging into a schema that accepts "any type of these 3" is done by a union of the three types, using ….or(…)
or z.union(…)
. However, since those types are to be distinguished based on their attachmentType
, you really want a discriminated union which will make checking more efficient:
const postSchema = z.discriminatedUnion("attachmentType", [