In webpack, I was able to set environment variables in my package.json like so:
"scripts": {
"dev:visualise": "webpack serve --open --config --env entry=visualise",
"dev:order": "webpack serve --open --config --env entry=order"
And then depending on which script I ran, I could access the environment var in my webpack config by doing:
module.exports = (env, argv) => merge(common, {
entry: `./src/_sites/${env.entry}/index.ts`,
Is this possible with vue-cli?
I've tried getting it from process.env.entry
module.exports = defineConfig({
chainWebpack: config => {
console.log(process.env.entry); // this is undefined
or changing the module exports to
module.exports = env => defineConfig({
chainWebpack: config => {
console.log(env.entry); // env is undefined
but neither of these worked. Is it possible to get the env.entry
variable in the vue config? Or is there a different way to only build specific entry points (or pages in vue.config - something like below)?
pages: {
main: `Vue/Components/${process.env.entry}/main.ts`
Ok thanks to the comment from oshell, I was able to change my build to
"build:dev-visualise": "vue-cli-service build --mode dev-visualise",
then I created a file
and inside that file I could create my environment variables:
Which I could then use in my vue.config:
pages: {
main: `Vue/Components/${process.env.ENTRY}/main.ts`