public void myTesting(){
System.out.println("testing before ");
new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()).postDelayed(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
}, 100);
System.out.println("testing after ");
I am trying to mock the above handler code on kotlin using slot function to return run() function
here are my changes
val looper = mockk<Looper>{
every {
} returns Thread.currentThread()
every {
} returns looper
val Handler = mockk<Handler>(relaxed = true)
every {
Handler.postDelayed(capture(slotrunnable) ,100)
} answers {
when i run the test case i am getting lateinit property captured has not been initialized slot
Your system-under-test creates a new Handler:
new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()).postDelayed(...
But your unit test code uses every
only for a specific mock handler:
val Handler = mockk<Handler>(relaxed = true)
every {
Handler.postDelayed(capture(slotrunnable) ,100)
So this will only work for that specific mock object. You may have been misled by naming your object with a capital initial letter, the same name as the class. Don't do that. If you had named it handler
instead of Handler
, you would then have noticed that your every
will affect only that method and not the whole class.
You should pass a Handler object to your method (dependency injection) instead of creating it inside the method. Then your unit test can pass the mock object to your method under test.