num column Store every 6 digits
How can I parameterize the load command to iterate through the array?
Mysql version 8.0.23
In File text
id length 1,
cnt length 2,
num length 500
1 3AB1001AB1002AB1003
table A
id | cnt | num |
1 | 3 | AB1001AB1002AB1003 |
i want output like this table
table B
id | cnt | num |
1 | 3 | AB1001 |
1 | 3 | AB1002 |
1 | 3 | AB1003 |
I was able to test this table:
create table mytable (
id int,
cnt int,
num varchar(500)
I put the line of text you show into a file p.csv
1 3AB1001AB1002AB1003
I ran the mysql client with the option to enable local data loading:
$ mysql --local-data
Then I loaded the data file this way:
mysql> load data local infile 'p.csv' into table mytable (@temp)
set id = substr(@temp, 1, 1),
cnt = substr(@temp, 2, 2),
num = substr(@temp, 3);
It worked!
mysql> select * from mytable;
| id | cnt | num |
| 1 | 3 | 3AB1001AB1002AB1003 |
Read more about the LOAD DATA INFILE statement here:
And read about the SUBSTR() function here: