I keep getting the same error over and over again no matter what I try when I run the seeder. This is the code of the factory:
class ProjectFactory extends Factory
public function definition(): array
$clients = Client::pluck('id');
return [
'name' => fake()->sentence(),
'description' => fake()->paragraphs(5),
'start_date' => fake()->dateTimeInInterval('now', '+1 months'),
'due_date' => fake()->dateTimeInInterval('+2 months', '+6 months'),
'status' => fake()->randomElement(['new', 'in progress', 'cancelled', 'completed']),
'notes' => fake()->paragraph(),
'client_id' => fake()->randomElement($clients),
this is the seeder:
class ProjectSeeder extends Seeder
public function run(): void
the ones without foreign are seeding fine, so I think that's the problem, but every solution I try gives me the same error.
help me please!
The fake()->paragraphs(5)
method returns an array
of paragraphs, not a single string
but SQL requires string for the description
field, hence the conversion error. To combat that you can simply implode()
the array into string:
class ProjectFactory extends Factory
public function definition(): array
$clients = Client::pluck('id')->all();
return [
// ...
'description' => implode("\n\n", fake()->paragraphs(5)),
// ...