Help me to rearrange excel sheet in alphabetical order based on sheetname, but i have one specific rule if sheet name contain "YTD" then its always 1st and if we have number 0 then it will always be at the end of its group
thank you
Input :
and i would like to arrange it like :
You can divide your work into 2 tasks: a) How to sort at all b) How to tell the exact order.
Any library sorting routine implements a more or less sophisticated sorting algorithm (Bubble Sort, Quick Sort, Heap Sort and the like). Inside the sorting, two objects are compared to answer the question which of those 2 objects "comes first". For strings, you usually use alphabetical order (that rises already several question like case sensibility, non-7bit Ascii characters and so on), for numbers, you compare the values. When you want to sort files, you can have different criterias: Name, Size, Date...
Now the point is no matter how you compare the objects, the sorting algorithm itself remains the same. Therefore, the most common implementation is that the sorting routine calls a function that answers the question which of two objects is smaller (= comes first). Usually, that function returns a negative number if the first object is smaller, a positive if the second object is smaller and 0 if both are the same.
As you have only few sheets in a workbook (and yes, even 100 is a small number when it comes to sorting), a simple Bubble sort will do. In the question that is linked in the comments (Excel VBA: Sort Sheets in Alphanumeric Order), the following code is used (slightly modified by me)
Sub SortWorksheets()
Dim i As Long, j As Long
For i = 1 To Worksheets.Count - 1
For j = i + 1 To Worksheets.Count
If Worksheets(j).Name < Worksheets(i).Name Then
Worksheets(j).Move before:=Worksheets(i)
End If
Next j
Next i
End Sub
Now that routine answers the question which sheet is "smaller" by itself: it compares the sheet names directly. Now lets move this comparison to a function:
If compare(Worksheets(j).Name, Worksheets(i).Name) < 0 Then
Worksheets(j).Move before:=Worksheets(i)
End If
And have a function
Function compare(name1 As String, name2 As String) as Long
compare = Iif(name1 < name2, -1, 1)
End Function
Exact the same functionality, but the comparison is "outsorced". And if you now want to have a different order logic, all you have to do is to change that compare-function. In your case, that could be something like this:
Function compare(name1 As String, name2 As String) As Long
' (1) Handle the YTD-Case:
If Left(name1, 3) = "YTD" And Left(name2, 3) <> "YTD" Then
compare = -1
ElseIf Left(name1, 3) <> "YTD" And Left(name2, 3) = "YTD" Then
compare = 1
' Compare the names without the leading number
Dim pieces1() As String, pieces2() As String
pieces1 = Split(name1, "_")
pieces2 = Split(name2, "_")
If UBound(pieces1) > 0 And UBound(pieces2) > 0 Then
If pieces1(1) <> pieces2(1) Then
' different groups
compare = IIf(pieces1(1) < pieces2(1), -1, 1)
' Same group, compare numbers
If pieces1(0) = "0" Then
compare = 1
Exit Function
ElseIf pieces2(0) = "0" Then
compare = -1
Exit Function
compare = Val(pieces1(0)) - Val(pieces2(0))
End If
End If
' Whatever that is: Compare names directly
compare = IIf(name1 < name2, -1, 1)
End If
End If
End Function