To avoid SQL injection with MS SQL Server and Node.js, I typically bind parameters, with something like the following:
let pool = await sql.connect(config)
await pool.request()
.input('ID', sql.Int, ID)
.input('Name', sql.NVarChar(100), Name)
.query(`UPDATE Table SET Name = @Name WHERE ID = @ID;`)
However, sometimes I have an array of dynamically varying length that I need to supply to a query.
So for instance, I might have a list of references that I want to pull data for. Example
const references = ['B1', 'C2', 'D4', 'Z8']; // Sample, but number of entries can be variable
And I'd like to do something like this (with pseudo code):
let pool = await sql.connect(config)
await pool.request()
.input('ReferenceList', sql.NVarChar(5), references) // but can't because this is an array
.query(`SELECT * FROM Table WHERE Reference = IN(@ReferenceList);`)
I would think this would be a fairly common scenario; what have I missed that I'm not seeing such functionality standard?
For example, a non-parameter binding method would be: (example only - risky to use in internet-facing production systems)
var references_clause = ""
if(references && references.length){
references.forEach(function (item) {
references_clause += "'"+item+"',"
} else {
references_clause += "'NA'" // If length false
references_clause = references_clause.replace(/,(\s+)?$/, '')
let pool = await sql.connect(config)
await pool.request()
.query(`SELECT * FROM Table WHERE Reference = IN(@references_clause);`)
Other frameworks / languages have some methods for this (e.g. Doctrine - How to bind array to the SQL?) what is the recommended method for Node.js?
Got an answer that this can be done with the tagged template literal support.
const pool = new ConnectionPool(config);
const req = pool.request();
const query = req.query`select * from [table] where id in (${[1,2,3]})`
query.then((res) => console.log(res);