I'm developing a distributed backend system and I used gRPC as the method of communicaiton.
Let's say that I have such a proto file.
service Greeter {
rpc SayHello (HelloRequest) returns (HelloReply) {}
rpc SayHello2 (HelloRequest) returns (stream HelloReply) {}
rpc SayHello3 (stream HelloRequest) returns (HelloReply) {}
I've known that we need to create channels and stubs to call gRPC methods.
But I don't know if different methods could use a same stub and a same channel.
I've read the official doc: https://grpc.io/docs/guides/performance/
It says
Always re-use stubs and channels when possible.
But I'm not sure if the methods in the service Greeter
could/should share a same stub and a channel as one of them is Unary RPC and others are server/client streaming RPC.
Yes, it is supported (and recommended) to reuse the same stub. You can also use the same channel for multiple stubs, this will save you some overhead, especially for secure connections.