I'm using OpenAPI specs for generation of API interfaces and models. As a result in build folder I get e.g. interface ValidateApi
and its implementation ValidateApiController
Is there a property for org.openapi.generator
plugin (version 7.0.1) that would allow me generate only model and interfaces?
This is my config:
openApiGenerate {
generatorName = "spring"
inputSpec = "$projectDir/src/main/api/${spec}".toString()
outputDir = "$projectDir/build"
apiPackage = "com.smth.api"
modelPackage = "com.smth.model"
useOneOfInterfaces : "false",
hideGenerationTimestamp : "true",
skipIfSpecIsUnchanged : "true",
additionalModelTypeAnnotations : "@lombok.Builder @lombok.NoArgsConstructor @lombok.AllArgsConstructor",
generatedConstructorWithRequiredArgs: "false",
useTags : "true"
validateSpec = false
modelDocs : "false",
models : "",
apis : "",
supportingFiles: "ApiUtil.java"
typeMappings = [
"date" : "OffsetDateTime",
"instant": "LocalDate"
importMappings = [
OffsetDateTime: "java.time.OffsetDateTime",
LocalDate : "java.time.LocalDate"
Finally I've solved it by adding interfaceOnly : "true"
to configOptions