I am a business who frequently posts ads on Craigslist to draw new customers. I've tried all the social plug-ins from the resources for posting a facebook like button/like box and when you post the ad with the recommended code, nothing appears on the ad itself. I've also tried stealing the source code from another site's like button, but that didn't work either. I don't yet have a website, so I am relying on craigslist traffic to build my facebook traffic. Currently, I've had to settle with just posting a link to our facebook page, which doesn't require people to 'like' us. The link is definitely working, as evidenced by the new traffic to our page, but the number of people who like us is only growing incrementally (we currently have 35 likes, yet 70 active monthly users.)
Additionally, I have a growing email list to which I send 'new arrivals' every week. Is there any way to imbed a 'like' button within an gmail email message?
Craigslist doesnt allow embedding scripts/iframes which would be required for the Facebook like button. You also cannot embed scripts/iframes into html emails so you could only provide a link. However, you could create a Facebook reveal tab like this one which would require fans to like your page before they see the content. The Facebook documentation can show you how, or search on google.