So this my query below:
select creditcard
from user where preferred_card = '1'
and uder_identification_code = 'creditcard'
group by creditcard having count (1) > 1;
So I'm trying to get list of all the user having more than 1 credit card as their preferred card(basically it's a data clean up since there should only 1 preferred).
But since I'm doing group by and having count, when I tried to put in other fields, the query doesn't run because logic error. How do I make the query show other fields, like lastname, dob from the user table? I'm trying to pull all the list of users so I can do data clean up.
all the changes failed below:
select creditcard, lastname
from user where preferred_card = '1'
and uder_identification_code = 'creditcard'
group by creditcard having count (1) > 1 and lastname;`
select *
from user where preferred_card = '1'
and uder_identification_code = 'creditcard'
group by creditcard having count (1) > 1 and lastname;
I've tried group by by more than several fields from the same table
You can query the table with the data you get from group by as such:
select * from user
where creditcard in
(select creditcard
from user
where preferred_card = '1' and uder_identification_code = 'creditcard'
group by creditcard having count (1) > 1);