I am working on excel report generation using Aspose, my users are across various countries and they should see the report in their culture. I am using aspose.net to generate the excel report, for Polish and Czech Republic culture they use ',' instead if '.' to represent decimal values. I need to highlight the negative values by showing background as grey and font color in red. Only for these culture it doesn't apply red font.
dataCell[exportUtil.constants.cell.numberFormat] = "#,##0,00;[Red]#,##0,00";
dataCell[exportUtil.constants.cell.cellType] = "number";
dataCell[exportUtil.constants.cell.colorBackground] = 14474460;
dataCell[exportUtil.constants.cell.fontColor] = 255;
Below are the default custom excel format.
Any help on this will be highly appreciated.
See the following sample code for your reference. You may refer to the code segment and then write/update your own code accordingly for your needs.
Sample code:
//Instantiating a Workbook object
Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
Worksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
int index = sheet.ConditionalFormattings.Add();
FormatConditionCollection fcs = sheet.ConditionalFormattings[index];
//Sets the conditional format range.
CellArea ca = new CellArea();//A1:A11
ca.StartRow = 0;
ca.EndRow = 10;
ca.StartColumn = 0;
ca.EndColumn = 0;
//Adds condition.
int conditionIndex = fcs.AddCondition(FormatConditionType.CellValue, OperatorType.LessThan, "0", null);
//Sets the formatting based on condition.
FormatCondition fc1 = fcs[conditionIndex];
fc1.Style.Custom = "#,##0,00;[Red]#,##0,00";
fc1.Style.BackgroundColor = System.Drawing.Color.Gray;
fc1.Style.Font.Color = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
//Saving the Excel file
You may also post your queries or discuss further in the dedicated forum.
PS. I am working as Support developer/ Evangelist at Aspose.