
Ignoring files that are not present in the destination branch when merging a source branch into it with git

Hello my fellow SW developers,

I have two branches with different .gitignore files in my git repository, develop and feature/my_feature. There are files that are present in feature/my_feature that are not present in develop. When merging the branch feature/my_feature back in the develop branch, I would like the files that are not already present in the develop branch to be automatically left out.

I tried the strategy proposed in the respective chapter in the Git Book as well as the StackOverflow post Git - Ignore files during merge, but the files that are missing in the develop branch cause a conflict to happen which is not automatically solved.

I also tried the strategy proposed in the StackOverflow post (Git Merging) When to use 'ours' strategy, 'ours' option and 'theirs' option?, using the following bash script (which has been placed in the root directory of my repository for testing purposes) for the defined strategy custom:

# Custom merge script to handle conflicts caused by files not present in current branch

# Check if the file exists in the current branch
if test -e "$1"; then
    # File exists in current branch, use default merge strategy
    git merge-file "$1" "$2" "$3"
    # File does not exist in current branch, keep file from branch being merged
    git checkout --theirs -- "$1"
    git add "$1"

I added the strategy to my repository using the following commands:

git config --local "Custom merge driver to handle conflicts caused by files not present in current branch"
git config --local merge.custom.driver " %O %A %B"

Also when trying to add the strategy to the global git config and also using the full path to, git returns the following error:

Could not find merge strategy 'custom'.
Available strategies are: octopus ours recursive resolve subtree.

How could I merge the branch feature/my_feature back in the develop branch while automatically exclude the files that are not already present in the develop branch from the merge?

Edit 24.10.2023 08:35:
I don't know if it's important, but I am working on Windows 10 22H2 with git

Thank you in advance for your help!

Best, Francesco


  • I think I have found an acceptable solution.

    Placing the following code into the pre-merge-commit hook deletes the ignored files prior to merging:

    git restore --staged --worktree -- *.gitignore
    git rm --cached --ignore-unmatch $(git ls-files --cached --ignored --exclude-standard)


    1. git restore --staged --worktree -- *.gitignore restores all the .gitignore files in the destination branch.
    2. git rm --cached --ignore-unmatch $(git ls-files --cached --ignored --exclude-standard) deletes all the staged files present in all .gitignore files


    This is almost equivalent to a cleanup of the working tree, which might not be desired.