
is it possible to reference .linq file in LinqPad

is it possible to call/reference functions in another query file beside MyExtensions in LinqPad?


  • As of May 2019 it is possible now

    In LINQPad 6 and later, queries can reference other queries with the #load directive:

    #load "SomeOtherQuery.linq" // The #load directive must appear be at the top of the query


    void Main() { }
    void OpenWithAssociatedApp (string file)
        Process.Start (new ProcessStartInfo (file) { UseShellExecute = true });
    class ConnectionStrings
        public static string Test = "Data Source=.;Integrated Security=true;Database=test";

    Some other query:

    #load "Util.linq"
    void Main()
        File.WriteAllText ("foo.txt", "test");
        OpenWithAssociatedApp ("foo.txt");  // Calls OpenWithAssociatedApp in Util.linq
        ConnectionStrings.Test.Dump();      // Reads ConnectionStrings.Test in Util.linq