Currently have 2 problems with the following script
cannot add bar labels to sets 8/9
set 8 is "off the charts" regardless of what ylim I set.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
categories = ['Cat1', 'Cat2', 'Cat3',
'Cat4', 'Cat5']
data_sets = {'Set1': [0.151, 0.015, 0.110, 0.204, 0.110],
'Set2': [0.146, 0.025, 0.088, 0.151, 0.088],
'Set3': [0.161, 0.027, 0.122, 0.217, 0.122],
'Set4': [0.145, 0.015, 0.095, 0.174, 0.095],
'Set5': [0.216, 0.020, 0.160, 0.300, 0.160],
'Set6': [0.069, 0.050, 0.069, 0.088, 0.088],
'Set7': [0.069, 0.050, 0.069, 0.088, 0.088],
'Set8': [132, 131, 139, 137, 135],
'Set9': [132, 131, 139, 137, 135], }
df = pd.DataFrame(data_sets, index=categories)
ax = df.plot(kind= 'bar',secondary_y= 'Set9', rot= 0,
ylabel = 'test', ylim = [0, .35], grid=True )
for bar in ax.containers:
ax.bar_label(bar, rotation=90)
fig = ax.get_figure()
ax = fig.get_axes()
ax[1].set_ylim(0, 200)
Access the right axes with ax.right_ax
as shown in the duplicates and in Plotting on a secondary y-axis.
import pandas as pd
categories = ['Cat1', 'Cat2', 'Cat3', 'Cat4', 'Cat5']
data_sets =\
{'Set1': [0.151, 0.015, 0.11, 0.204, 0.11],
'Set2': [0.146, 0.025, 0.088, 0.151, 0.088],
'Set3': [0.161, 0.027, 0.122, 0.217, 0.122],
'Set4': [0.145, 0.015, 0.095, 0.174, 0.095],
'Set5': [0.216, 0.02, 0.16, 0.3, 0.16],
'Set6': [0.069, 0.05, 0.069, 0.088, 0.088],
'Set7': [0.069, 0.05, 0.069, 0.088, 0.088],
'Set8': [132, 131, 139, 137, 135],
'Set9': [132, 131, 139, 137, 135]}
df = pd.DataFrame(data_sets, index=categories)
ax = df.plot(kind='bar', secondary_y=['Set8', 'Set9'], rot=0, width=0.9,
ylabel='test', ylim=[0, .35], grid=True, figsize=(10, 10))
ax.right_ax.set_ylim(0, 200)
for bar in ax.containers:
ax.bar_label(bar, rotation=90, padding=3)
for bar in ax.right_ax.containers:
ax.right_ax.bar_label(bar, rotation=90, padding=3)