Can a surface chart be created directly from a time series of daily data in R?
That surface would have months as x-axis, years as y-axis and values in the z-axis.
dt <- seq(as.Date('2006-01-01'),as.Date('2020-01-31'),by = 1)
temp <- rnorm(5144, mean=21, sd=5)
df <- data. Frame(dt, temp)
If you're looking for a 3D surface plot, you can convert to matrix format and plot with plotly
dt <- seq(as.Date('2006-01-01'), as.Date('2020-12-31'), by = 1)
temp <- rnorm(length(dt), mean = 21, sd = 5)
df <- data.frame(dt, temp)
df$month <- as.numeric(substr(df$dt, 6, 7))
df$year <- as.numeric(substr(df$dt, 1, 4))
df <- aggregate(temp ~ year + month, data = df, mean)
m <- matrix(df$temp, ncol = 12)
dimnames(m) <- list(sort(unique(df$year)), sort(unique(df$month)))
plot_ly(z = ~m) |> add_surface() |>
layout(scene = list(yaxis = list(title = "Year", tickvals = 0:14,
ticktext = 2006:2020),
xaxis = list(title = "Month", tickvals = 0:11,
ticktext =,
zaxis = list(title = "Temperature")))