
SQL view with count depending on current user


  1. List all unique events
  2. Have a dedicated column called reviewed based on the current user
  3. Events must be listed event if current user is not invited

Possible cases:

  1. User is invited
  2. User is not invited

An event is reviewed by each "confirmed" user (not all of the invitations are confirmed) Conditions to be "reviewed":

I have 4 tables in Postgresql 14.7.

Here they are:

CREATE TABLE public.events (
    id bigint NOT NULL,
    name character varying NOT NULL,
    start_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
    end_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL

CREATE TABLE public.invitations (
    id bigint NOT NULL,
    status integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
    user_id bigint NOT NULL,
    event_id bigint NOT NULL,

CREATE TABLE public.reviews (
    id bigint NOT NULL,
    reviewable_id bigint NOT NULL,
    reviewable_type character varying NOT NULL,
    comment text

CREATE TABLE public.attachments (
    id bigint NOT NULL,
    attachable_id bigint NOT NULL,
    attachable_type character varying NOT NULL

I got an SQL view for that but it is wrong because reviewed did not match the current user invitation (it is random, based on invitation creation). Here is current code I have

    ((e.enable_review = true AND r.id IS NOT NULL AND count(a) > 0 ) OR e.enable_review = false)    AS reviewed,
  FROM events e
  LEFT JOIN invitations i ON i.event_id = e.id
  LEFT JOIN reviews r ON (r.reviewable_type = 'Invitation' AND r.reviewable_id = i.id)
  LEFT JOIN attachments a ON (a.attachable_type = 'Review' AND a.attachable_id = r.id)
  GROUP BY e.id, r.id;)

I've read Select first row in each GROUP BY group? dozens of times but I'm not sure it fits on my case

In my mind, this view was "temporary" until I scope the results with the current user invitations.

I have part of the solution using row_number

    ((e.enable_review = true AND r.id IS NOT NULL AND count(a) > 0 ) OR e.enable_review = false)    AS reviewed,
  row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY i.event_id ORDER BY i.id DESC) AS rn,
  i.id as manual_invitation_id
  FROM events e
  LEFT JOIN invitations i ON i.event_id = e.id
  LEFT JOIN reviews r ON (r.reviewable_type = 'Invitation' AND r.reviewable_id = i.id)
  LEFT JOIN attachments a ON (a.attachable_type = 'Review' AND a.attachable_id = r.id)
  GROUP BY e.id, i.id, r.id;)

Then I LEFT OUTER JOIN on manual_invitation_id when I want to scope with the current user, combining it with WHERE rn=1. But rn can be any number, not only one. So scope is not working.

I don't even know if it's possible in a single query. I want to avoid sub queries since it's one of the most used in the app. Additionally, it's inside a Rails app so I'm not sure subqueries can be handled that easily with ActiveRecord.


  • List all events, with a flag reviewed for the current user:

             FROM   invitations i
             JOIN   reviews     r ON r.reviewable_id = i.id
             JOIN   attachments a ON a.attachable_id = r.id
             WHERE  i.user_id = $current_user_id             -- ???
             AND    i.event_id = e.id
             AND    r.reviewable_type = 'Invitation'
             AND    a.attachable_type = 'Review'
             ) AS reviewed
         , e.*
    FROM   events e;

    An EXISTS subquery expression is probably fastest.

    Don't use a generic VIEW for this if you want the result for the current user. Use the given query, or wrap it into a set-returning FUNCTION. Example: