I am attempting to use Nextflow with Azure batch. I have created the storage account as described in the docs -- a very simple storage account. My profile is:
az {
workDir = 'az://bbbbb/scratch'
process {
executor = 'azurebatch'
container = 'aaaaa.azurecr.io/python3:latest'
azure {
registry {
server = 'aaaaa.azurecr.io'
userName = azure_config["registryAccountName"]
password = azure_config["registryAccountKey"]
batch {
location = 'eastus'
accountName = azure_config["batchAccountName"]
accountKey = azure_config["batchAccountKey"]
autoPoolMode = true
deletePoolsOnCompletion = true
storage {
accountName ="bbbbb"
accountKey = 'yyyyy'
My nextflow launch is:
nextflow run /home/q/nf-pass/test.nf -profile az
N E X T F L O W ~ version 23.10.0
Launching `/home/q/nf-pass/test.nf` [grave_faraday] DSL2 - revision: 63ad770e1c
Cannot create work-dir: /bbbbb/scratch -- Make sure you have write permissions or specify a different directory by using the `-w` command line option
I think my local worktation is attempting to create the blob container az://bbbbb/scratch, but is being denied for some reason. The instructions look pretty simple. Is there a gotcha somewhere ?
The solution was to not refer to the storageaccount name in workdir:
workDir = 'az://scratch'