
Convert prefix to infix with minimum number of parentheses

Right now this is my code:

precedence = {
    "+": 1,
    "-": 1,
    "*": 2,
    "/": 2,
    "": 0

def is_operator(token):
    ope = set(['+', '-', '*', '/'])
    return token in ope

def prefix_to_infix(expression):
    stack = []

    for pos, i in enumerate(expression):
        if is_operator(i):
            value1 = stack.pop()
            value2 = stack.pop()
            result = f"{value1}{i}{value2}"

            next_ope = check_next_operator(pos, expression)

            # Adds parenthesis if needed
            if compare_precedence(i, next_ope):
                result = f"{result}"             


    return result

def check_next_operator(pos, expression):
    i = pos + 1
    while i < len(expression):
        if is_operator(expression[i]):
            return expression[i]
        i += 1
    return ""

def compare_precedence(actual, next):
    if precedence[actual] <= precedence[next] and precedence[next] != 0:
        return True
        return False

However, when I try to print the infix value of + / - 9 4 * 5 - 7 3 6, the parentheses between (5 * (7 - 3)) are missing. This, of course, is because - has less precedence than *. Also, in cases like - + - - - + 7 8 * / 5 4 2 6 * 7 2 3 0 it returns more parenthesis than what it should have.

NOTE: the expression i'm passing is already backwards, meaning it's been converted to its postfix form: ['6', '3', '7', '-', '5', '*', '4', '9', '-', '/', '+']

I am thinking of an approach but I'm not sure if it would work:


  • @Lonenebula posted a good algorithm in this answer to convert postfix to infix with minimal number of parentheses, which keeps track of the last operator used to produce each composite operand, and adds parentheses to the left operand if its last operator has less precedence than that of the current operator, and adds paretheses to the right operand with the same condition, but also when the precedence of the last operator for the right operand is less than that of the current operator, and the current operator is non-communicative (i.e. - or /).

    Here's an implementation of the algorithm:

    precedence = {
        '+': 1,
        '-': 1,
        '*': 2,
        '/': 2
    noncommunicative = '-/'
    def prefix_to_infix(prefix):
        stack = []
        for token in reversed(prefix):
            if precedence_current := precedence.get(token):
                value_left, precedence_left = stack.pop()
                value_right, precedence_right = stack.pop()
                if 0 < precedence_left < precedence_current:
                    value_left = f'({value_left})'
                if (
                    0 < precedence_right < precedence_current or
                    precedence_right == precedence_current and
                    token in noncommunicative
                    value_right = f'({value_right})'
                stack.append((f'{value_left}{token}{value_right}', precedence_current))
                stack.append((token, 0))
        return stack[0][0]

    so that:



