
How to change the console window title of a dotnet application run by powershell?

I'm launching multiple dotnet run commands using a Powershell script.

$projectsRootDirectory = "$PSScriptRoot\.."

Start-Process -FilePath 'dotnet' `
              -WorkingDirectory "$projectsRootDirectory\SomeProjectFolder" `
              -ArgumentList 'run --launch-profile My.Profile --debug'

When I launch 6 of them simultaneously I have a problem distinguishing which one is which.

From questions like this one, I learned it is possible with the -c parameter:

Start-Process powershell '-c "$host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = \"Speed Test\"; .\SpeedTest.ps1"'

But as far as I understand, the -c parameter is for the powershell command. Can I achieve the same with dotnet run command?


  • In your case, the simplest solution is to call cmd.exe's CLI in order to call its internal start command, which is comparable to Start-Process while allowing you to set the console window title directly:

    $projectsRootDirectory = "$PSScriptRoot\.."
    cmd /c @"
    start /d "$projectsRootDirectory\SomeProjectFolder" "Speed Test" dotnet run --launch-profile My.Profile --debug