I would like to add the third column
I have tried using this calculation lookup(sum([Purchase Dollars]),last()) - lookup(sum([Purchase Dollars]),first())
I do not want the variance in a separate row
I also do not want to create sets for both 2022 and 2023
We just want the sum of [Purchase Dollars]
for a given year. So assuming you have a date field we will find the year of TODAY()
and then return [Purchase Dollars]
when the year of our date field matches the year of the TODAY()
First lets find the dollar amount for the current year and name it [Current Year Purchase Dollars]
IF YEAR([your date field]) = YEAR(TODAY())
THEN [Purchase Dollars]
ELSE 0 #else statement is not really needed
Next lets find the dollar amount for the previous year and name it [Previous Year Purchase Dollars]
IF DATEADD('year', -1, [your date field]) = DATEADD('year', -1, TODAY())
THEN [Purchase Dollars]
ELSE 0 #else statement is not really needed
Lastly we'll make a calculation to compare the difference say [Current Year Purchase Dollar Difference]
: (feel free to come up with a shorter name)
[Current Year Purchase Dollars] - [Previous Year Purchase Dollars]
From the way you described it in your question it seems like you wanted all of these values displayed in a grid format. To do this, drag these three calculated field pills to the right of [GenericName1]
on your rows shelf, right click them and choose discrete. You can also do this with variance and it will have it's own column.