See also:
I'm trying to set up tests using Pester with both external and non-external data. I've created separate test files for these scenarios and used Invoke-Pester with containers, but I'm facing a couple of issues:
Split Summaries: When I run the tests with external data, the summaries are split, and it doesn't provide a clear overall picture of test results.
Tests Passed: 1, Failed: 1, Skipped: 0 NotRun: 0
Tests Passed: 1, Failed: 0, Skipped: 0 NotRun: 0
rather than
Tests Passed: 2, Failed: 1, Skipped: 0 NotRun: 0
Passing Configuration: I'm unsure how to pass a configuration (-Configuration) into the inner Invoke-Pester call (Invoke-ExternalData.Tests.ps1
Here's the structure I'm using:
Describe "behaviour" {
It "should be able to access the parameter" {
"value" | Should -Be "value"
Describe "behaviour" {
It "should be able to access the parameter" {
$Param | Should -Be "value"
$values = 'value', 'not value'
$containers = $values | ForEach-Object {
New-PesterContainer -Path "$PSScriptRoot/ExternalData.ps1" -Data @{ Param = $_ }
Invoke-Pester -Container $containers
I would appreciate guidance on how to structure these tests to achieve a unified summary and how to pass a configuration into the inner Invoke-Pester call. Is there a way to "hand-off" the PesterContainer objects without invoking Pester again?
My solution is to change ExternalData.ps1
and Invoke-ExternalData.Tests.ps1
essentially injects the variables that are available in discovery to the Run phase
BeforeDiscovery {
# Gather initial values for generating tests
$ExtraParam = 'value'
Describe 'Test Container' -ForEach @(@{Param = $Param; ExtraParam = $ExtraParam }) {
BeforeAll {
BeforeEach {
AfterEach {
AfterAll {
It 'Test with value <Param>' {
$Param | Should -Not -Be $null
$ExtraParam | Should -Not -Be $null
BeforeDiscovery {
$values = ,'value', 'not value'
Describe 'Test with value <value>' -ForEach $values {
& "$PSScriptRoot/ExternalData.ps1" $_