I need to create an XML out of an specific xsd schema, and im useing VBA for access with the MSXML2 library. so far i can create everything but the thing is MSXML2 create default xmlns on the fields after the root even tho i specified it.
What i want to achieve:
<auditfile xmlns="urn:StandardAuditFile-Taxation-CashRegister:DK">
what im getting:
<auditfile xmlns="urn:StandardAuditFile-Taxation-CashRegister:DK">
<header xmlns="">
<company xmlns="">
I have an validator i can check against everything is ok, but it as soon that the xmlns="" is present i says no.
My code for generateing the start of the xml is like this.
Dim Document As Object
Set Document = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument.6.0")
Dim AuditRoot As Object
Set AuditRoot = Document.createElement("auditfile")
AuditRoot.setAttribute "xmlns", "urn:StandardAuditFile-Taxation-CashRegister:DK"
Document.appendChild AuditRoot
Set headerRoot = Document.createElement("header")
AuditRoot.appendChild headerRoot
Set companyRoot = Document.createElement("company")
AuditRoot.appendChild companyRoot
'Save the XML file
Document.Save "c:\Diamond\XML\SAT-T.xml"
'Set export to be c:\Diamond\XML\fil
MsgBox "File created at dafault location: C:\Diamond\XML\SAT-T.xml"
But as said above its different. so anyhelp to general if i can disable it or?
It is better to use .createNode()
method instead of .createElement()
It has 3 parameters, and one of them allows to specify a namespace.
For the reference: createNode Method
I used vbscript syntax, but you can easily adjust it back to VBA.
Dim Document
Set Document = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument.6.0")
Dim AuditRoot, NS
NS = "urn:StandardAuditFile-Taxation-CashRegister:DK"
Set AuditRoot = Document.createNode(1, "auditfile", NS)
Document.appendChild AuditRoot
Set headerRoot = Document.createNode(1, "header", NS)
AuditRoot.appendChild headerRoot
Set companyRoot = Document.createNode(1, "company", NS)
AuditRoot.appendChild companyRoot
'Save the XML file
Document.Save "c:\Diamond\XML\SAT-T.xml"
'Set export to be c:\Diamond\XML\fil
MsgBox "File created at dafault location: C:\Diamond\XML\SAT-T.xml"
<auditfile xmlns="urn:StandardAuditFile-Taxation-CashRegister:DK">