I have a table with this structure. and i want to scrape from the td with class 'description' the image title and the text from paragraph. I have tried several ways with no luck. Please help me on this guys i am really stacked here.
I think my question is very clear but so far i have
let descs = await page.evaluate(() => {
let desc = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('tr.even td.description p'))
return desc.filter((p) => p.innerText !== "").map(p => p.innerText.replace((/ |\r\n|\n|\r/gm),""));
With this code i am getting the paragraph text but how can i get the img title also?
By provided HTML structure i suggest to get td element and perform $$eval
with mapping on it.
Where texts is your function that was defined for p
and title
you are getting by querySelector
with img[src]
selector from td
await page.waitForSelector('tr.even td.description');
const data = await page.$$eval('tr.even td.description', tds =>
tds.map(td => {
return {
texts: Array.from(td.querySelectorAll('p')).filter((p) => p.innerText !== "").map(p => p.innerText.replace((/ |\r\n|\n|\r/gm),"")),
title: td.querySelector('img[src]')?.getAttribute('title'),