
Read directly from disk in DOS-BOX assembly

I mount a folder from DOS-BOX on my computer mount c c:\users\user\folder. Then I delete a file in this folder and my task is to restore it. I have a byte mask of this file, so I just need to read data directly from disk in DOS-BOX to look for this mask. But how can I do it?

I use int 13h, but the result is 512 zero bytes, how can i find disk number, segment number if I'm on a mounted drive in DOS-BOX.

.model tiny
org 100h

  jmp Start

FName db 'myfile.txt',0
Count dw 512
position dw 0

Buf db 512 dup(?)

;Read from disk to Buf
  push cx
  push dx
  push ds
  xor ax, ax
  mov ds, ax
  mov ah, 02h                 ; Function code for reading disk sectors
  mov al, 1                 ; Number of sectors to read
  mov ch, 0                   ; Cylinder number (starting from 0)
  mov cl, 2            ; Sector number (starting from 1)
  mov dh, 0                   ; Head number
  mov dl, 02h                 ; Drive number
  ;xor bx, bx
  ;mov es, bx
  lea bx, Buf             ; Buffer to store the sector data
  int 13h       
  pop ds
  pop dx
  pop cx
;Write Buf to file  
  mov ah, 3ch
  mov cx, 1
  mov dx, offset FName
  int 21h
  mov bx, ax
  mov ah, 42h
  mov al, 0
  mov cx, 0
  mov dx, position
  int 21h
  MOV CX, Count
  MOV DX, offset Buf
  MOV ah, 40h
  int 21h
  mov ah, 3eh
  int 21h

  mov ah, 4ch
  xor al, al
  int 21h

end Begin


  • Your program is using the BIOS.ReadSectors function 02h (int 13h) with drive number 02h. All BIOS drive numbers that don't have their 8th bit set refer to floppy drives. So you were actually requesting access to the third floppy drive on the system. Certainly not the DOSBox mounted C: drive.
    Additionally, the functions on BIOS int 13h deal with the disk as a physical entity, whereas the c:\users\user\folder directory that DOSBox mounted for you became the logical C: drive.
    DOS allows you to approach your logical drives on the sector level using int 25h (read) and int 26h (write). See

    I have tried to use the DOS.AbsoluteDiskRead int 25h with DOS drive number 2 for C:, but DOSBox does not return anything, not even a carry flag for success or failure. Frankly, I did not think that it would work, especially knowing that the creators of DOSBox have repeatedly said their emulator should only be able to run old DOS games and nothing more. Maybe that the derivative work DOSBox-X does it better?