
How to patch form array in typed angular reactive forms

I am trying to figure out how to patch form array in a typed reactive Angular form. patchValue and setValue does not work in my mind consistently with FormControl for example. Here is a form

 this.form =<IPersonForm>({
      name: new FormControl<string | null>('bob'),
      phones: new FormArray<FormGroup<IPhoneForm>>([]),

I can patch name control easily enough:'Jim', { onlySelf: true, emitEvent: false });

But form array is a challenge. Say I create a replacemenmt array

const myPhone =<IPhoneForm>({
      phone: new FormControl<string | null | undefined>('bob')
const array = new FormArray<FormGroup<IPhoneForm>>([myPhone]);

Now if I try to patch (or set), neither compiles:


I can use setControl, but that method does not have an option for onlySelf:

this.form.setControl('phones', array, { emitEvent: false });

I feel like onlySelf is needed there because if I am replacing the data and have complex validations, I do not want them to run on any control until entire form is patched. Thank you!

Here is a stackblitz with a demo:


  • you should pass the logical value, not another form to the patch

    this.form.controls.phones.patchValue([{phone: '123'}]);


    this.form.patchValue({phones: [{phone: '123'}]})

    also possible to do in one call with the name at the same time

    this.form.patchValue({name: 'Jim', phones: [{phone: '123'}]})

    you can add onlySelf or emitEvent if you want. they are both unrelated to the question.