Is there a Python library to convert human readable time interval to 2 datetimes?
Str(TimeInterval("last week")) # return a tuple (datetime(2023,11,12,0,0,0), datetime(2023,11,19,23,59,59))
Same for today, yesterday, last month, 2 months ago, year-to-date, etc.
As far as I know, there is no direct converter. But, with the pendulum
library, you can implement it easily by using now.subtract()
(as parameter days, months, years):
yesterday: now.subtract(days=1)
last week: now.subtract(weeks=1).start_of('week'), .end_of('week')
last month: now.subtract(months=1).start_of('month'), .end_of('month')
last year: now.subtract(years=1).start_of('year'), .end_of('year')
Sample Code:
import pendulum
def human_readable(interval):
now =
if interval.lower() == 'today':
return now.start_of('day'), now.end_of('day')
elif interval.lower() == 'yesterday':
yesterday = now.subtract(days=1)
return yesterday.start_of('day'), yesterday.end_of('day')
elif interval.lower() == 'last week':
start_last_week = now.subtract(weeks=1).start_of('week')
end_last_week = now.subtract(weeks=1).end_of('week')
return start_last_week, end_last_week
elif interval.lower() == 'last month':
start_last_month = now.subtract(months=1).start_of('month')
end_last_month = now.subtract(months=1).end_of('month')
return start_last_month, end_last_month
elif interval.lower() == '2 months ago':
start_date = now.subtract(months=2).start_of('month')
end_date = now.subtract(months=2).end_of('month')
return start_date, end_date
intervals = ['last week', 'last month', '2 months ago']
for interval in intervals:
start_date, end_date = human_readable(interval)
print(f"{interval}: {start_date}, {end_date}")
last week: 2023-11-13T00:00:00+01:00, 2023-11-19T23:59:59.999999+01:00
last month: 2023-10-01T00:00:00+02:00, 2023-10-31T23:59:59.999999+01:00
2 months ago: 2023-09-01T00:00:00+02:00, 2023-09-30T23:59:59.999999+02:00