What I want to do is basically have a user obtain the lock on a record and have it for a specific amount of time so they can make changes to it, like wikipedia. So lets say a wikipedia article gives the user an hour to edit it before other users may edit it.
How could I achieve that with Rails 3? I have read up and found that pessimistic locking is what I should use for the lock. Given that... What kind of mechanism would I use for releasing the lock say after an hour?
My stack is Rails 3, Heroku, PostgreSQL.
Thanks for any answers and I love to see code if you can that would be so awesome!
Add a field called "editable_until":datetime and set a specific date (Time.now + 30.min f.e.) when creating your record. And simply query this field to find out if the user has the right to update the record or not.
class Post << AR
before_validation :set_editable_time
validate :is_editable
def editable?
self.editable_until.nil? || self.editable_until >= Time.now
def is_editable
self.errors[:editable_until] << "cannot be edited anymore" unless editable?
def set_editable_time
self.editable_until ||= Time.now + 30.min
=> <Post, ID:1, :editable_until => "2011-10-13 15:00:00">
=> true
sleep 1.hour
=> false