I want to upload a file within Swagger UI of my project, the controller method should accept an object which contains a Long and a Multipart file, how should I do that?
This is request object:
public class BankFileUploadRequest {
@NotNull(message = "{validation.bankFileRequestModel.bankAccountId.null}")
private final Long bankAccountId;
@NotNull(message = "{validation.bankFileRequestModel.file.null}")
private final MultipartFile file;
and besides that I have a custom Spring validator which validates BankFileUploadRequest, and I want to have a controller method as:
@PostMapping(path = "/", consumes = MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA_VALUE)
public void uploadFile(@Validated BankFileUploadRequest request) {
what kind of annotations should I add to request argument, and how to have file upload support in swagger?
Adding @ModelAttribute
to the parameter solved the issue, now both Swagger supports the file upload, and it works, so the signature of controller method is:
@PostMapping(path = "/", consumes = MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA_VALUE)
public void uploadFile(@ModelAttribute("request") @Validated BankFileUploadRequest request) {