
How to set up test container with datastax enterprise cassandra?

I can set up test containers with a regular version of cassandra, but trying to use a DSE version throws this error org.testcontainers.containers.GenericContainer expected the predicate to return <true> but it returned <false> for input of <InspectContainerResponse(

This is my current set up that is failing

class TestContainer {
  private static final String ROC_KEYSPACE = "cksdgmdp1";
  private static CassandraContainer cassandraRocContainer;
  private static final String DSE_IMAGE_VERSION =
  static void setupCassandraConnectionProperties() {
    System.setProperty("", "e0");
    System.setProperty("spring.profiles.env", "e0");

  public CassandraSession getCassandraRocSession() {
    DockerImageName myImage =

    cassandraRocContainer =
            new CassandraContainer(myImage)
    // start container
    // create cluster object from container
    Cluster cluster =
            .withCredentials("", "")

    // create session from newly created keyspace
    Session session = cluster.connect(ROC_KEYSPACE);
    return new CassandraSession(session, ROC_KEYSPACE);

  public String getCqlScript(String keyspace) {
    return String.format("%s.cql", keyspace);

  static void shutdown() {

If i change that DSE_IMAGE_VERSION to cassandra:3.11.4 then it works fine but I need to use a DSE version. I'm not sure what to try to be honest, I am pretty new with both DSE and containers.


  • According to the documentation, DS_LICENSE=accept environment variable has to be presented.

    Examples Create a DSE database container: docker run -e DS_LICENSE=accept --name my-dse -d datastax/dse-server:<version tag>

    Try the following approach:

    DockerImageName myImage = DockerImageName.parse("")
    CassandraContainer cassandraContainer = new CassandraContainer<>(myImage)
            .withEnv("DS_LICENSE", "accept");