I'm trying to build a request that returns all users that are a subset of a specific user ID (via connected_id), who are also between one or many age ranges (eg "20-30", "50-60"). The list of ages ranges are presented via another array ($ageRangeTable). User with ID 5 is ignored.
The user table only contains a date of birth, therefore the age has to be calculated on the fly.
Here's what I have so far, but the exported SQL is ignoring the OR section. (I'm using "explode" to separate the min and max age for now, as the actual string "x-y" might change soon to something else).
$ageRangeTable = ['20-30','50-60'];
$result = Users::where('connected_id', Auth::user()->id)
->where('id' , '!=', 5)
function ($query) use ($ageRangeTable) {
$count = 0;
foreach($ageRangeTable as $agerange){
list($min,$max) = explode( "-", $agerange);
if($count == 0){
$query->where(`TIMESTAMPDIFF( YEAR, 'dateofbirth', CURDATE() )`, `between`, `{$min} AND {$max}`);
$query->orWhere(`TIMESTAMPDIFF( YEAR, 'dateofbirth', CURDATE() )`, `between`, `{$min} AND {$max}`);
return $query;
//->get(); don't use this yet as we just want to review SQL for now...
The resulting SQL looks like this:
"select * from `users` where `connected_id` = ? and (`id` != ?)"
...which ignores all the "ors". I expected this_
"select * from `users` where `connected_id` = ? and (`id` != ?) and ((`TIMESTAMPDIFF( YEAR, 'dateofbirth', CURDATE() )` BETWEEN ? AND ?) OR (`TIMESTAMPDIFF( YEAR, 'dateofbirth', CURDATE() )` BETWEEN ? AND ?))
What can I try next?
You have several issues here:
There are also a few small tweaks you can use to utilize the QueryBuilder more
for the queriesDB::raw
for the columnsYour query will then look like this:
$result = Users::where('connected_id', Auth::user()->id)
->where('id', '!=', 5)
function($query) use ($ageRangeTable) {
$count = 0;
foreach($ageRangeTable as $agerange) {
[$min, $max] = explode("-", $agerange);
if($count == 0) {
$query->whereBetween(DB::raw('TIMESTAMPDIFF( YEAR, `dateofbirth`, CURDATE() )'), [$min, $max]);
} else {
$query->orWhereBetween(DB::raw('TIMESTAMPDIFF( YEAR, `dateofbirth`, CURDATE() )'), [$min, $max]);
return $query;