
Using iScroll prevents the keyboard from showing on my device

I am using iScroll for providing iPhone style scrolling. But, when clicking on the textboxes, the keyboard does not show up.

While trying to find the possible cause, I found that removing the iScroll script, makes it work normal, but in that case I miss the scrolling functionality.

Is this a bug in iScroll. If yes, is there a tested work-around? Or is there any alternative for iScroll?

Thanks in advance.


  • I was able to solve the error. The problem was with the CSS.

    I thought may be the CSS is somehow creating the problem. I concluded this on the basis that when I commented the CSS for wrapper and scroller, the keyboard showed up... but keeping them, the keyboard didn't work. I was using bottom: 0px;, which seemed to be somehow preventing the keyboard from showing.

    Removing bottom: 0px; solved my problem.

    Hope this helps others.