
Compiling a OSGi bundle with registered hook for Liferay

I am trying to make configurable logging application for Liferay 7.4.3 with Apache Maven. I have no problem making the app configurable using this approach, when compiling the project as a OSGi bundle (using bnd-maven-plugin).

However I need to register the hook in the webapp/WEB-INF/liferay-hook.xml such as:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE hook PUBLIC "-//Liferay//DTD Hook 7.1.0//EN" "">

        <servlet-filter-name>My Hook</servlet-filter-name>
        <servlet-filter-name>My Hook</servlet-filter-name>
        <before-filter>SSO Open SSO Filter</before-filter>

Is there a way to combine both hook and a configurable app into single application? i.e. Compiling a OSGi bundle in such a way that would contain hook registration in webapp/WEB-INF/liferay-hook.xml?

I have a working implementation of application with hook using that approach, however it is compiled as a WAR to include the WEB-INF folder.

I tried compiling the app as a WAB using both bnd-maven-plugin and maven-bundle-plugin to no avail.


  • There's no need for the 6.x style hooks. You can implement a servlet filter following this example:

            immediate = true,
            property = {
    // To figure out valid values for before-filter, look up Liferay's
    // WEB-INF/liferay-web.xml
                    "before-filter=Auto Login Filter",
    //              "dispatcher=FORWARD",
    //              "dispatcher=ASYNC",
    //              "dispatcher=ERROR",
    //              "dispatcher=INCLUDE",
                    // Pick your own unique filter name! Make sure to pick a
                    // different one for every filter you write - see LPS-107575
                    "servlet-filter-name=Blade Servlet Filter",
            service = Filter.class
    public class BladeServletFilter extends BaseFilter {
        protected Log getLog() {
            return _log;
        protected void processFilter(
                HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest,
                HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse, FilterChain filterChain)
            throws Exception {
            // implement your own logic here
            // determine if you shortcut, or continue in the filter chain
                "X-Blade-Servlet-Filter", httpServletRequest.getRequestURI());
                BladeServletFilter.class.getName(), httpServletRequest,
                httpServletResponse, filterChain);
        private static final Log _log = LogFactoryUtil.getLog(