
E is not a legal path since it is not a concrete type (Scala 3)

I'm trying to migrate a library from Scala 2.13 to Scala 3, but the existing code does not compile.

Here is a snippet

trait Identity
trait Authenticator

trait Env {
  type I <: Identity
  type A <: Authenticator

trait IdentityService[T <: Identity]
trait AuthenticatorService[T <: Authenticator]

trait Environment[E <: Env] {
  def identityService[T <: Identity]: IdentityService[E#I]
  def authenticatorService: AuthenticatorService[E#A]

The Scala 3 compiler fails with:

error] 14 |  def identityService[T <: Identity]: IdentityService[E#I]
[error]    |                                                      ^
[error]    |                                         E is not a legal path
[error]    |                                         since it is not a concrete type
[error] -- Error: 
[error] 15 |  def authenticatorService: AuthenticatorService[E#A]
[error]    |                                                 ^
[error]    |                                         E is not a legal path
[error]    |                                         since it is not a concrete type
[error] two errors found

You can try directly at


  • You can use match types (and Aux-pattern for technical reasons, namely refined types Env { type I = i } can't be type patterns)

    trait Env:
      type I <: Identity
      type A <: Authenticator
    object Env:
      type AuxI[_I <: Identity] = Env { type I = _I }
      type AuxA[_A <: Authenticator] = Env { type A = _A }
    trait IdentityService[T <: Identity]
    trait AuthenticatorService[T <: Authenticator]
    // match types
    type I[E <: Env] <: Identity = E match
      case Env.AuxI[i] => i // lower case is significant
    type A[E <: Env] <: Authenticator = E match
      case Env.AuxA[a] => a
    trait Environment[E <: Env]:
      def identityService[T <: Identity]: IdentityService[I[E]]
      def authenticatorService: AuthenticatorService[A[E]]

    What does Dotty offer to replace type projections?

    In Scala 3, how to replace General Type Projection that has been dropped?

    Alternatively you can use type classes.