I'm trying to veryfy a CMS signature created with open ssl like this:
$ openssl cms -sign -signer domain.pem -inkey domain.key -binary -in README.md -outform der -out signature
Here is my code using pkijs
import * as pkijs from "../src/shared/vendor/pkijs/index.es.js";
import * as pvtsutils from "../src/shared/vendor/pvtsutils/index.es.js";
function decodePEM(pem: string, tag = "[A-Z0-9 ]+"): ArrayBuffer[] {
const pattern = new RegExp(
`-{5}BEGIN ${tag}-{5}([a-zA-Z0-9=+\\/\\n\\r]+)-{5}END ${tag}-{5}`,
const res: ArrayBuffer[] = [];
let matches: RegExpExecArray | null = null;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-cond-assign
while ((matches = pattern.exec(pem))) {
const base64 = matches[1]
.replace(/\r/g, "")
.replace(/\n/g, "");
return res;
const buffer = pvtsutils.BufferSourceConverter.toArrayBuffer(await Deno.readFile("./domain.pem"));
const pem = pvtsutils.Convert.ToBinary(buffer);
const certificate = pkijs.Certificate.fromBER(decodePEM(pem, "CERTIFICATE")[0]) as pkijs.Certificate;
//const publicKey = await certificate.getPublicKey();
const cms = pkijs.ContentInfo.fromBER(await Deno.readFile("./signature"));
if (cms.contentType !== pkijs.ContentInfo.SIGNED_DATA) {
throw new Error("CMS is not Signed Data");
const signedData = new pkijs.SignedData({ schema: cms.content });
// Verify Signed Data signature
const ok = await signedData.verify({
signer: 0,
checkChain: true,
trustedCerts: [certificate],
Certificate is read and parsed correctly as well as SignedData
but it fails at signedData.verify
with following error:
error: Uncaught (in promise) SignedDataVerifyError: Missed detached data input array
throw new SignedDataVerifyError({
Where I'm doing wrong?
Ok, my bad... I just forgot to provide data to verify signature...
// Verify Signed Data signature
const ok = await signedData.verify({
signer: 0,
checkChain: true,
trustedCerts: [certificate],
data: await Deno.readFile("./README.md")