
How to avoid "
" (CR) in XMLSignature generated from webapp running on Tomcat 8.5 with JDK8

I'm experiencing a problem with java XMLSignature: when I try to generate the signature and then sign the XML file, an unwanted HTML-like Carriage Return ("
") is placed at then end of each line both in SignatureValue and X509Certificate.



I've tried to solve the problem adding the following lines to the code, based on some suggestions I found on the web:

System.setProperty("", "true");
System.setProperty("", "true");

but it didn't solve the problem.


  • I finally solved the problem editing the script on Tomcat (at ${CATALINA_HOME}/bin/ appending

    to the string of properties defined in CATALINA_OPTS.

    With this setting Carriage Returns (CR) and Line Feeds (LF) were removed only inside the <Signature> tag of the resulting XML file.