
SVA for verifying that two signals are equivalent after some delays

I have an SVA question :

Let's say we have signal wpo, and 19-21 clocks cycles later, we have wpo(the value at time 0) == out. How to write an SVA for that. I tried this but it doesn't work

logic [103:0] temp; 
property check_property;
    @(posedge clk) disable iff (rst) 
    ##[19:21] (temp === wpo);
check_property_A: assert property (check_property);
always_ff @(posedge clk) begin
  temp <= out;

So to recap wpo should have the value that out had 19-21 cycles earlier.


  • You need to declare temp as a local variable of the property.

        property p(pi,po);
                     type(pi) temp;
                     (1,temp=pi) |-> ##[19:21] po == temp;
        assert property( @(posedge clk) p(out,wpo));