I'm trying to use excellent timetk and modeltime package but for some reason on my work computer I get an error (that I don't get with my home computer). It appears related to lubridate but I'm unsure -- can anyone help?
Specifically when fitting the model I get the below error output.
Error in C_force_tz(to_posixct(time), tz, roll_dst) : CCTZ: Unrecognized output timezone: "GMT"
I'm using R 4.3
in 2023.03.1 Build 446
but had the same error when I had R 4.2.3
I tried the solution listed below and it didn't work
Error with timezone when fit prophet model
df <- timetk::bike_sharing_daily
split <- timetk::time_series_split(df,assess = 200,cumulative = TRUE)
(train <- training(split))
(test <- testing(split))
rec <- recipe(cnt~dteday,data=train)
mod <- prophet_reg() %>%
wf <- workflow() %>%
add_recipe(rec) %>%
wf %>% fit(data=train)
This error was caused by dependency of lubridate. I forget which underlying package but re-installing the lubridate dependencies fixed the issue.