
How to change the redirect from default language to secondary language when no lang param

I have a Typo3 11.5 website with the default language German (example.com/de/) and the second language English (example.com/en/). If only the base url (example.com) is called, it is automatically redirected to the default language. I would now like to change this redirection to the secondary language.

This is my current config.yml

base: /
    title: Deutsch
    enabled: true
    languageId: 0
    base: /de/
    typo3Language: de
    locale: de_DE.utf8
    iso-639-1: de
    navigationTitle: Deutsch
    hreflang: de
    direction: ltr
    flag: de
    title: Englisch
    enabled: true
    languageId: 1
    base: /en/
    typo3Language: default
    locale: en_US.utf8
    iso-639-1: en
    navigationTitle: English
    hreflang: en
    direction: ltr
    fallbackType: strict
    fallbacks: ''
    flag: en-us-gb

By swapping the order of the languages, the correct forwarding to example.com/en works directly, but the backend language behavior is also changed so that only the English language can be edited.

I have already tried the following redirect: RewriteRule !^(en|de)/ https://example.de/en [R=307,L] However, this leads to an endless redirect.


  • This redirect in .htaccess should do what you want:

    RewriteRule ^$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}/en [R=301,L]

    ^$ means no path. Redirects https://example.com to https://example.com/en