
Delete Row and Rename Worksheets From cell value

I've a list on the first worksheet cooresponding tot the worksheet name.

List is from 1 to ... and the name of worksheet is BT1, BT2, ....

Now Have I created a macro to delete a row from the list ande delete the specific worksheet, but after when the worksheet is deleted the rem2aining worksheets have to be renamed corresponding the numeric list.

Let say I delete Team 3, the teams are from 1 to 10. The code deletes the corresponding row and sheet, then it has first change the cell formula in the Cell (A?), so the list list is reset from 1 t0 9 and then changes the worksheet name.

I know that I need a loop for that, but don't know/understand how to write this type code.

I have the following Macro written. At the point of 'Loop to Rename worksheets I wanted to create a loop the rename the worksheets, but don't know/understand how to write the code.

Sub Team_Verwijderen()

Dim intMyVal As Integer, a As Integer
Dim lngLastRow As Long, i As Long
Dim strRowNoList As String, List2 As String, List_1 As String
Dim Zoekwaarde As Variant
Dim cell As Variant
Dim naam$, laatsteNaam$

Zoekwaarde = InputBox("Vul het Teamnummer in dat je wilt verwijderen.")

On Error GoTo Errorhandler

intMyVal = Zoekwaarde 'Value to search for, change as required.
lngLastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row 'Search Column A, change as required.

For Each cell In Range("A3:A" & lngLastRow) 'Starting cell is A2, change as required.

    If cell.Value = intMyVal Then
        If strRowNoList = "" Then
        strRowNoList = strRowNoList & cell.Row
        strRowNoList = strRowNoList & ", " & cell.Row
        End If
    End If
Next cell

List2 = strRowNoList
List_1 = Range("A" & strRowNoList).Value

Sheets("BT" & List_1).Delete
Blad1.Range("A" & strRowNoList & ":K" & strRowNoList).Delete xlUp

'Loop to Rename worksheets
naam = "BT" & List_1

Range("A" & List2).Formula = "=if(B" & List2 & "="""","""",A" & List2 - 1 & "+1)"
Sheets("BT" & List_1 + 1).Name = naam



End Sub


  • you don't need a loop to look for the input value: just go with the Find() method of Range object

    Option Explicit
    Sub Team_Verwijderen()    
        Dim Zoekwaarde As Variant
            Zoekwaarde = InputBox("Vul het Teamnummer in dat je wilt verwijderen.")            
            Dim intMyVal As Long
                intMyVal = CLng(Zoekwaarde) 'Value to search for, change as required.
            Dim lngLastRow As Long
                lngLastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row 'Search Column A, change as required.
                Dim foundCel As Range ' look range A3:A... for the input value 
                Set foundCel = Range("A3:A" & lngLastRow).Find(what:=intMyVal, LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole)
                    If foundCel Is Nothing Then
                        MsgBox "Value not found!"
                        Application.DisplayAlerts = False
                            Sheets("BT" & intMyVal).Delete ' delete the worksheet
                        Application.DisplayAlerts = False
                        Dim iRow As Long 'loop through sheets following the deleted one
                            For iRow = foundCel.Row + 1 To lngLastRow
                                Cells(iRow, 1).Resize(, 2).Value = Array(intMyVal, "BT" & intMyVal) 'rewrite the sequence and the name reference of the current loop sheet 
                                Sheets("BT" & intMyVal + 1).Name = "BT" & intMyVal ' rename the current loop sheet
                                intMyVal = intMyVal + 1
                            Intersect(Range("A:K"), foundCel.EntireRow).Delete xlUp '
                    End If
    End Sub

    Which can be condensed a little bit as follows:

    Option Explicit
    Sub Team_Verwijderen()
        Dim intMyVal As Long
            intMyVal = CLng(InputBox("Vul het Teamnummer in dat je wilt verwijderen.")) 'Value to search for, change as required.
        With Range("A3", Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp)) 'reference the range with the number sequence
            Dim foundCel As Range
            Set foundCel = .Find(what:=intMyVal, LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole) ' look the referenced range for the searche value
                If foundCel Is Nothing Then
                    MsgBox "Value not found!"
                Else ' if found
                    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
                        Sheets("BT" & intMyVal).Delete ' delete the corresponding sheet
                    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
                    Dim iRow As Long
                        For iRow = foundCel.Row + 1 To .Rows(.Rows.Count).Row ' loop through the sheets following the deleted one
                            Cells(iRow, 1).Resize(, 2).Value = Array(intMyVal, "BT" & intMyVal) ' update the current loop sheet number sequence and name
                            Sheets("BT" & intMyVal + 1).Name = "BT" & intMyVal ' update the current loop sheet name
                            intMyVal = intMyVal + 1
                        Intersect(Range("A:K"), foundCel.EntireRow).Delete xlUp 'delete the serached sheet data
                End If
        End With
    End Sub