I'm using LlamaIndex.TS in my node server and I'm trying to change the base url to my proxy azure openAI server, as the following
process.env['OPENAI_API_BASE'] = 'http://openaiproxy.service.consul:8080/OpenAIProxy/handler';
It seems the request is still routing to the default.
Any thoughts? Thanks
I solved it using OpenAIEmbedding
// Create Document object with essay
const document = new Document({text: essay});
let params = {
timeout: 20000,
maxRetries: 1,
additionalSessionOptions: {
baseURL: "http://openaiproxy.service.consul:8080/OpenAIProxy/handler",
defaultHeaders: {
'X-App-Caller': 'GeniusBotService',
const serviceContext = serviceContextFromDefaults({
embedModel: new OpenAIEmbedding(params),
llm: new OpenAI({model: "gpt-4", ...params})
// Split text and create embeddings. Store them in a VectorStoreIndex
const index = await VectorStoreIndex.fromDocuments([document], {serviceContext});