New to typescript, and I am working with nodeforge to generate CA and I do not know how to resolve this error.
PS: Vscode did not show red underline, but nextjs throws the error.
const cert = pki.createCertificate();
const attrs = [
{ name: 'commonName', value: 'My First CA' },
{ name: 'organizationUnitName', value: 'Organization Unit' },
{ name: 'organizationName', value: 'My Organization' },
] //this is returned by buildSubjectFromOptions
cert.setSubject(attrs as pki.CertificateField[]);
cert.setIssuer(attrs as pki.CertificateField[]);
At the last 2 lines, I am getting the error Attribute type is not specified, even though I followed vs code instructions as below
I had this similar issue as well. I looked at the X509.js and oids.js library files of node-forge.
_IN('', 'organizationName')
_IN('', 'organizationName')
_shortNames['OU'] = oids['organizationalUnitName'];
_shortNames['organizationalUnitName'] = 'OU';
It seems that your attribute "organizationUnitName" is actually stored in pki.oids/x509.js as "organizationalUnitName". If you fix your typo from "organizationUnitName" to "organizationalUnitName" should hopefully resolve the issue.
Hope this helps