
How to only require 2FA on certain pages with firebase

I'm making a website that requires the user to log in with email and password to see most the site, but also requires two factor sms authentication when trying to visit a certain high security page.

I have attempted this by using firebase with google identity platform to have the user setup 2FA the first time they visit the high security page as described here.

Unfortunately, now the user can't sign in with just email and password, it gives a the error:
Firebase: Error (auth/multi-factor-auth-required).

It seems that firebase intends for me to force the user to sign in with 2FA everytime they want to sign in (which if I had finished reading the tutorial I would have realized this earlier).

So is there a way to only require 2FA when visiting a certain page of my website?

I have scoured the internet for anyone trying to do a similar thing but have found nothing.


  • I don't believe this is possible with Firebase Authentication nor Google Identity Platform.

    It looks like Auth0 allows you to configure 2FA at the app-level (i.e. each app either is or is not 2FA enabled), or based on some higher level conditions (network, date/time, geographic location, etc.).

    But I don't see a way to configure a web app such that different "pages" could be protected with 2FA separate from the rest of the app/site.